Parental Help

Parental Help Rota

Beaver and Cub section meetings often require parental help; this takes some of the pressure off the leaders running the section evening and ensures a good safety ratio of adults to children.

You can help by participating in the running of games and activities, setting up activities or clearing up as the leaders move the children on to other things and generally just joining in the fun! Additional parental help during activities outside of the Church Hall eg at the Shaugh Bridge Camp Site is also most gratefully received where the risks increase. Should you wish to participate in any activity regularly, (and we are delighted if you would like to) you will require CRB clearance to work with children, please see a leader to obtain a form.

Parents Committee (5 Vacancies for 2 Beaver Parents, 2 Cub Parents and 1 Scout Parent)

27th Plymouth is a registered charity, and apart from the odd grant for some equipment we do not receive funding from any other stream other than that raised by subs and the parents committee. We are entirely reliable on committee fundraising to keep the Group solvent and they have done a fantastic job of this recently. Subs payments go towards an annual membership fee to the Scout Association ( in the region of £40.00 per person in the group for 2016) and the running of activities. The actual running of the Scout Group, including rent to the Church, upkeep and maintenance of the campsite etc, runs to approximately £2,000 per annum and that is before we try and update kit and equipment!

It is imperative therefore that we receive help and support from parents to raise money to keep our Group going. But it isn’t just about money…….

The Group Parents Committee exists to support the Group Scout Leader (Nigel) and the other leaders. The Committee is responsible for:

  • the maintenance of the Group’s property and equipment;
  • the raising of funds and the administration of the Group’s finances;
  • the insurance of persons, property and equipment;
  • Group public occasions;
  • assisting with the recruitment of Leaders and other adult support
  • Dates of the committee meetings are posted on the notice board, newsletters and on our website. The committee usually meets about 3 times a year and should have representatives from all the sections. This work is really valued by the leaders as it means that they can focus on running the weekly programme of activities that the young people so enjoy. We currently have 4 vacancies. Please speak to Nigel about this if you can help. Please support us by attending meetings and fundraising activities.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim the tax on your subscriptions from the taxman, this is a great fundraiser for us and all we ask is for you to complete the gift aid form in your new joiners information pack, from any leader, or downloaded from our website (to be added soon).

We currently have around 70 children on our books (Jan 2016) and about two thirds have signed up to gift aid. Last year we received around £1000 from the taxman. If all members signed up we could increase this amount with little or no effort.

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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