To belong to the group a subscription is charged on a School Term basis payable within 2 weeks of the start of term.
Membership Fees for 2021/2022 are 35.00 per term or £100.00 for a year.
We would really like you to gift aid these fees as we can claim the tax back which as a group is worth over £1000 a year to us. We would ask that you sign one of our forms confirming this.
Attendances at Camp and weekend activities attract an additional cost, which are advised at the appropriate time.
All children are required to wear the standard Scout uniform appropriate to their section. (see group information).
Please note : Only members of 27th Plymouth and their families can access the majority of pages on the site, General information about the group is available here, other information about group events may be available in the ‘group’ section of the navigation bar on the left.
If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us at : 0845 456 1498 or by email at the27thplymouth(at)